An update on our journey


Where We Have Been:

As many of you know, Keith and Trish Currie, who have served this body for the last several years, have relocated permanently to Buford, GA. This move was not a quick decision, but one that was processed and prayerfully considered with the elders over a few years. Keith and Trish love the people of Covenant Church of Mobile (CCM) but felt it was the Lord’s timing.

Knowing of Brother Keith’s tentative timeline for departure, the elders of CCM began to pray and plan. Over a period of several months, we began having conversations with different local pastors and connected Covenant Churches, regarding different church models and possible senior pastor candidates. The elders and other CCM team leaders participated in a series of meetings with a church consultant who walked us through a process of identifying how God has uniquely gifted the CCM body. Out of these meetings we identified (3) core values: Relationship, Authenticity, and Generosity.

Although God used the consulting sessions to help us clarify some of our core values, there were some differing views among the elders regarding how we were to proceed with the search for a senior pastor. Some believed we needed to be taking more active steps towards identifying a person, while others believed that we needed to simply wait on the Lord.

During this time, a dear friend of ours, Paul Petrie, and his friend Murray Bradfield, spent a weekend in Mobile with the elders to help us consider our future as a church. Paul used several Scriptural passages regarding giftings within the church – Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:3-8, and I Cor. 12:1-30 – to illustrate how God’s plan for the church is for every member to discover and exercise, for the benefit of others, the spiritual giftings God has given him or her.

Where We Are:

Recently, there has been a new sense of God-given unity among the elders. There is agreement in the reality that God has gifted the people of CCM with unique giftings that will benefit and encourage the body as we begin to help one another recognize and step into those giftings.

In the meantime, we believe God has called us in this season to a team-based leadership.  For all its messiness at times, it is causing us elders to love and appreciate one another as we are seeking God’s will together for CCM.  We are learning the value of each voice at the table, something we believe will be the best foundation for anyone whom God may call in the future to serve in a leadership position among us. Our confidence is in the Spirit’s ability to lead us forward. 

Where We Are Going:

So, what does this mean for CCM going forward? We trust the leading of the Holy Spirit. We believe we are right where God wants us to be, operating as a group of leaders, submitted to Jesus as Lord and head of the church, submitted to one another, and being led by His Spirit into what He has for this local body. We believe God has done great things in the local body of CCM, and we believe He has great things in store for us moving forward!

 In the meantime, we know that some have been confused about who to contact regarding specific needs.  We want to help.

·       For pastoral counseling, prayer, or practical needs, contact Asher Wilson at

·       For administrative needs, contact Amy Wilson at

Finally, the elders are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are a family that God has placed together for such a time as this.


With great humility and love,

Covenant Church of Mobile Elders